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Writing Tips

Start of the Writing Tips!
Alright, to kick off my first 'Monthly Tips' project, I'm gonna explain a little about what this project actually is.
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Writing Tips 2 - Synonyms
Here is my 2nd tip for you guys, Tip: Synonyms.
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Writing Tips 3 - How to start a difficult scene
If you've studied writing, you may have heard of Stream of consciousness writing before.
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Writing Tips 4 - Grasping a Scene
Write your scenes like movie scenes.
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Writing Tips 5 - Outlining
I am very bad at this one lol but outlining before you begin can help you with a number of things and make life easier to write.
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Writing Tips 6 - The DDD
Order of operations when writing.
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Writing Tips 7 - Character Guide
Last time I talked about backstory and important it is for flushing out your characters and knowing them like a psychometric mind reader.
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Writing Tips 8 - Building characters and their connections
I talk a lot about characters and what makes good characters great, so Ill try not to get too far into that this time but as characters are an intrinsic part of story telling and given the nature of this months topic, naturally it will play quite a big part.
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Writing Tips 9 - Effective Endings
Beware the never ending seasons 'rom-com' style of storytelling that plagues western culture.
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Writing Tips 9 (II) - World Building
World building is one of the tallest tasks of writing but it's the foundation of your story house.
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Writing Tips 10 - The Ear Doesn't Lie
The ear doesn't lie, read dialogue out loud.
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Writing Tips 11 - Start With a Good Threat
The key to a good story begins with a great threat.
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Writing Tips 12 - Do's and Don'ts
Never describe something that's not there.
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Writing Tips 13 - Stuck? Skip Ahead.
Stuck? Skip it.
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Writing Tips 14 - Describing Setting, and an Intro to Foreshadowing
Impression and atmosphere. Those are the functions and goals of setting.
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Writing Tips 15 - Quick and dirty tips for creating subplots
I recently fell down a Pinterest hole and found a bunch of these super helpful subplot tips, so I decided to share the best of them.
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Writing Tips 16 - When in Doubt, Look It Up
Possibly the best anybody can give you, and the only one you can't go without, is don't be afraid to look things up.
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Writing Tips 17 - Writing Emotions
A lot of writing about emotions, especially strong ones, is dancing around it.
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Writing Tips 19 - One Two Three.
Figure out what you want to happen, then how you want it to happen, and then write it.
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Writing Tip 20 - Mutters
Muttering your writing to yourself as you go can be very helpful for a few reasons.
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Writing Tip 21 - From One Scene to Another
You know that moment when you're struggling to come up with what happens next after finishing a scene that feels wrapped up, and you're wracking your brain trying to figure out what could happen after that?
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Writing Tips 22 - Two heads is better than one
Sometimes it's good to keep your stories focus on the main character and have everything revolve around them in a way that makes it feel like we're reading their story.
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Writing Tips 23 - How to Find Your Style
Writing has a style, just like art does. And just like art, your style will be comprised of your favorite parts of other styles, to combine and create your own unique one.
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Writing Tips 24 - Imagination: What you see & how to enhance the clarity
Your imagination is a fuzzy thing. It works in blurry, vague images, and doesn't bother with the details.
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Writing Tips 25 - World Building II
As some of you may know, I recently attended a Discord convention for writers called 'SaScon' (Scribes and Scribblers is the parent server for it) and I took some extensive notes for the panels and learned a lot about how to teach people these things, and I've expanded a little bit on the things I talked about in "World Building |". So, I'll be sharing my notes and new experience with you today!
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Writing Tips 26 - Conflict is important
Conflict is the soul of history. Conflict and problems are what feed progress.
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Writing Tips 27 - 9 Practices for Writing Books
This is specifically for people who aren't writing for just fun or as a hobby. Of course, if you want to be very good at writing, these are great practices, but if you have no intention to publish your work with profit in mind (even if it's just something like Ko-Fis), then these won't be very useful to you.
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Writing Tips 28 - Advice from the heart
Don't worry too much about the technicalities of writing. Aim to improve, but try not to get too caught up in things like proper grammar and the like. You're a storyteller.
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Writing Tips 29 - Cutting the irrelevant
Cut the irrelevant detail.
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Writing Tip 30 - The line between correct and right
Walking the line between "grammatically correct" and "what sounds right to you/how people think/read" can be a tricky one.
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Writing Tips 31 - Motifs and how they can help character development
Put simply, a motif is a distinctive repeating feature or idea; often, it helps develop other narrative aspects such as theme or mood. And this can be used to give instant depth to a character.
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Writing Tips 32- Brushing up and The 7 Narrator Types
If you find yourself having trouble with the actual writing part of story-telling, or you're spending a lot of your time wondering if it should be a comma or a period, then it can be a sign that it's time to brush up on your basics and refresh your knowledge about the written language.
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Writing Tip 33 - Magic Systems
Don't treat your magic system like a get-out-of-jail-free card. Try to make your magic, make sense.
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Writing Tips 34 - Two Secret Weapons
I'll be sharing two secret weapons that I keep tucked away in my pocket, and I can speak from experience that both of them work wonders for me.
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Writing Tips 35 - How I do my editing
My editing method is pretty simple. I do all my writing in Google docs because it's convenient for switching between all of my devices and doesn't take up space on my computer, but I use both the free version of Grammarly (which has a google chrome extension which makes it convenient), and sometimes Microsoft word as well because Grammarly can catch most of the obvious mistakes and office is better at catching and suggesting the sentences that sound weird.
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