Xhak - Patreon - Master
Jessica - Patreon - Initiate
Tessasgoat - Patreon - Apprentice
Selene S. - Patreon - Initiate
Ko-Fi Club - Xhak, Mieren, Jesteronimo, Crazy Cookie Lady, Kelly, Rhaelyant, Tom, Hstevens5, Notos, Cecil Azul, AriZo, Becca, Caitlyn
If you find yourself having trouble with the actual writing part of story-telling, or you're spending a lot of your time wondering if it should be a comma or a period, then it can be a sign that it's time to brush up on your basics and refresh your knowledge about the written language; everything from sentence structure to punctuation to nouns and adjectives. I've recently hit this point myself, so I will also be refreshing my memory of these things over the next 5-6 months, depending on how fuzzy my knowledge has gotten.
Things degrade over time, and new things are implemented for all kinds of things over the years, so don't feel bad about checking up and updating what you know about things, even things you use every day.
A great example of this is this article I found recently. Even I didn't know there were actually 7 types of narrators. The last time I studied this, only five were mentioned in the material I learned from.