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by Miimaas
<< Chapter >>
This time here's some phrases that I thought were cool and a handful of them that I use a lot. Having these written down somewhere and memorizing your favorites, has come in very handy for me while writing.



Ooo, that really grinds my marbles.


I’ll burn that bridge when I get to it.


Bite your tongue.


Getting your string cut. (dying - in Greek mythology there are 3 goddess people of fate(?) who decide when people die/kill them when it’s time by cutting a string.)


Dampened atmosphere, like the day before a big storm.


Coming unglued.


Soft as a freshly stretched kneaded eraser.


The static air between them.


Eyes like obsidian marbles.


A scalding rage in his/her/their eyes, about to rise up and engulf everything in its path like lava bursting through the rocky surface.


The words slip out of his mouth without his consent.


Darkness waxing him/them handsomely/seductively/mysteriously


Shock waves of pleasure


Running hands all over his/her/their body


Slow your roll


By the devil’s hand


By all of creation


Crane your neck to see.


Come on snake, let’s rattle.


“Crack of doom”


Diamond clarity


Wilding wolf


The evil eye


Look of doom


Trust, but verify


Take it in stride


Wind someone up


Chillin’ like a villain


Keyed up - excited or nervous


Straw that broke the camel’s back.


Draw parallels


Cry me a river


Peel paint


Shapeless emotion


Flavor of mental disorder


That's neither here nor there


Hellfire and above


The devil’s luck


God damn it

Satan bless it


Glide like satin over glass


Turn on your heel




It’s been done to death


A look of pure despondence.


That’s a crying shame.


Choking pain.


A dime a dozen.

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